Monday, April 16, 2012


 FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 2012 7:00 p.m.

2529 Charwood St.
St. Charles, MO 63301

April is SAAM (Sexual Assault Awareness Month).  Please join us this Friday.  We will be sharing about the importance of raising the awareness of any type of sexual abuse.  Dr. Gloria Johnson and Catina Lampkin of Life Source Consultants, along with myself will be the key speakers.  If you know anyone battling with the effects of abuse, please invite them to come out. God wants to heal, deliver, restore, and set free!!  The time has come, and silence will be a thing of the past!

 This is for everyone and not just those who are victims.  Everyone needs to learn about the signs, and ways to prevent sexual abuse.  If  you have children, we strongly suggest you come.


Saturday, April 7, 2012


Isaiah 53:5 - He was wounded for our rebellious acts. He was crushed for our sins. He was punished so that we could have peace, and we received healing from his wounds.

This year Resurrection Sunday means so much more to me then usual.  Of course every year we celebrate Easter, and we understand that because of Jesus' act of obedience, we are saved.  Yesterday was Good Friday, and I was thinking about what to say in the blog this week.  I started out talking about one thing, but then I realized that this is Easter weekend, and what better way to give Him the glory that is due than in my blog.  Now more then ever, I can see the reasoning behind Jesus being sent to the cross.  I'm assuming that most of you have seen the movie, Passion of the Christ.  In this movie we see how He was whipped, abused, laughed at, mocked, and most of all nailed to the cross to die a slow death.  The Word tells us that God sent His only Son to the cross for us.  How many of you would send your child to the cross for people who hates him?  None of us.  That is what is so awesome about our God.  He watched them torture Jesus for no reason.  I can take what Jesus did for me and talk about it in so many different ways.

Let's talk about the abusers.  As we know, there are sick individuals in this world that are violating our children.  They are taking their innocence for their own pleasure.  Even when a child screams, or tries to fight back, they don't care.  As awful as this is, and as serious as this crime is, we still have to pray for them and forgive them.  I know you are asking, how in the world do we forgive?  Jesus went to Calvary for ALL mankind.  He went to take the sin out of the world.  He hates the sin, but loves the person.  And because he went to the cross, hope is not lost.  We are here to lift these individuals up in prayer, that they will change from there ways.  Not only do we pray, but there is power in numbers.  We can stand up against abuse, by speaking up and not remaining silent.  Yes we will be talked about, and people will not understand why we continue to bring up the past.  But as I said in a previous blog, there is purpose.  We just have to make up in our minds that this walk is not about us, but about those that are coming behind us.

Now about me.  In the scripture above it says, He was punished so that we may have peace.  WOW!  As you all know I struggled with coming forward about my cousin.  I thought about everything and everybody but myself.  I never had peace about it, even when I vowed I would take it to my grave.  I just figured it was a part of life, and life goes on.  I'm sure some of you have thought the same thing, or still think it now.  If we continue to remain silent, then all we are saying is that Jesus went to the cross for other people and not me.  He went so that we can have life, and have it more abundantly.  I know you have been told that it is in the past, and just leave it there.  But in order to be free, you must confront those issues that haunt you.  God says to cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.  Look at all the pain an agony Jesus went through just so we can have life.  He endured to show us that there is victory over everything that comes in our lives.  Death, hell, and the grave, could not conquer him.  He got up with all power in His hands!  He is our all time example, not deserving anything that happened to Him.  If He is our example, then what is it we need to do?  I'm so glad you asked.  We are to be an example for someone else.  There are hurting people out there who just need to see a light in somebody else.  They don't understand how they can get through the effects of being abused.  How can we be a witness to someone else, when we can't even trust God to deliver us?  Right now I am just so thankful that God smiled on me, and allowed me to be free.  I am so thankful for my life.  I'm in my right mind!  I'm not suicidal, depressed, addicted to drugs or alcohol!  I have joy in my heart, and the peace that passes all understanding.  Thank you Jesus for dying just for me.  I don't deserve anything that You have done, or will do for me.  You love me  unconditionally!!  Even when I was purposely doing things that I had no business doing, You still loved me!  I am so thankful that out of all the people in the world, You saw fit that I could be used!!  As God uses me, I pray that I can be a light to someone else, even if it is just one person.

This Easter weekend, take a moment and just give God praise for Jesus.  If it had not been for the blood, where would we be.  HALLELUJAH!!!!!

Please join me Friday, April 20, 2012  at 7:00 p.m.
Ark of Safety Christian Church
2529 Charwood Street
St. Charles, MO 63301
I will be speaking, along with Dr. Gloria Johnson, and Catina Lampkin of Life Source Consultants.  We will be talking about the importance of speaking up about sexual abuse.  There will be free counselors on hand if needed.  Hope to see you there!!!!