Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Dionna Latimer
Hello Readers!!!  First let me start off with an apology.  I am behind on my post from last week. It's good to know you all are actually reading my blogs!  Thank you!  I am in school as well, finally finishing my undergraduate degree in communications.  This past week was finals, and after the class was done, so were a lot of things unfortunately.  I lost a little bit of motivation.

I have so much to talk about this week!  Like I said before, I lost my momentum this past week.  Usually when that happens, I try to examine myself to see if there is something in my life that is blocking my ears from hearing from God.  But sometimes He just remains silent so I can seek Him.  Now I am nowhere near perfect, but I do like to do a self-examination every now and then.  Well today was just the examination I needed.  I, as well as a good friend of mine, was able to get tickets to go to the Oprah's Lifeclass.  When I tell you it was so awesome, OMGEE!!!  It was fantastic!  Bishop T.D. Jakes was the special guest, and man did he have a Word.  The topic of the class was, "Live on Purpose."  I didn't have a pen or paper with me, because I surely wish I could have taken notes.  Before I went to this show, I was questioning my assignment a little bit.  I didn't want to start getting to a place where all I am doing is talking about the abuse, and just staying there.  I was feeling like I was bringing things out in people, that maybe should have remained within in them.  I know that sounds absolutely crazy, especially since I always say your voice has a right to be heard. But so many times I hear people say that you shouldn't be stuck in the past.  They say you should just forgive, and move on, and don't stay there.  So I was questioning whether or not I was actually moving forward, or just staying with this story.  I hear so many stories of abuse, and it seems like those people just tell their story, and they're done.  Here I am sharing mine with the world!  I was thinking maybe I was making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be.  But now I know that is far from the truth!

Live life on purpose, wow!  Today at the Oprah Lifeclass, there were so many things that just hit home.  Most of us know that we were created for a purpose.  And if you don't know, well now you do, so your excuse is gone!  I know now my purpose is to be an advocate and speak out against sexual abuse.  It is also to encourage other women who have gone through abuse, to speak up as well.  Our voices can be used to come against and stop this demonic behavior.  Oprah made an excellent point about women always worrying about the thoughts of others.   We don't want people to think that we think we are better, or we think we are all that.  I am so guilty of that.  As I said in my last blog, it has been less than six months since my sister and I have shared our story.  I keep thinking that people are looking at me sideways, because either they are tired of hearing about it, or  they have been open about it for years, and wondering who am I trying to be an advocate.  I have yet to have personal counseling.  But the real question I had to ask myself is, who am I not to be??  There is a saying that says something like, "somebody should do something about that, I guess that somebody is me!"  I have always known that God wanted to use me for a higher purpose, and be an active leader.  I just didn't know in what capacity.  When you find your purpose in life, there will be questions and there will be doubts, but you cannot worry about what people say, think, or feel.  I learned today that if you allow people to have a say so in your purpose, it will limit your vision.  People have limitations on what they think you can accomplish.  The truth is what God has spoken to you and what He has ordained, no one can do anything about it.  I don't care if you have five college degrees, or dropped out of school.  Don't let anyone, and ESPECIALLY yourself, talk you out of your purpose.  There is too much work for us to do.

To all of my survivors or victims, you may be scared and feel like there is no hope for you.  You may be scared of what others say, or that others may reject you.  You may be correct, but so what!!!  It's time to stop giving people the front seat of our lives, they don't deserve that place.  Allow God to lead you in moving forward and speaking up.  No one can tell you how you should feel, what you should say, or not say.  I know that God does not want you to be a slave to your abuser.  Whatever happened to you, you have every right to speak up!!  It is okay to allow yourself to heal.  As long as I have breath in my body, I will not be quiet.  God gave me an assignment and I am sticking to it.  Yes it gets scary and lonely, but I can't think of anything better I could be doing.  Your silence can be the reason your blessings are hindered. It could even to tied to your purpose.  Kirk Franklin has a song that says, "There's purpose in your pain, so don't throw it away."  Meaning don't hold on to it by letting it control you, but turn it around and use it for the good of someone else.  You have to learn to trust God with everything you have.  How can you truly be healed when you are holding on to a pain that shouldn't belong to you.  As many more begin to speak up, the world will start to understand that this is a serious matter, and it needs to end.  People need to be disturbed and realize that there are children that even could be their own living with this silence, killing them softly.  It's time to get busy and put an end to sexual abuse.  I am fired up and pray that fire stays lit.  It's so easy to get into a slump, and make up a ton of excuses.  The time for excuses is over.  We have to stop operating in fear, and operate in faith!  It's time to MOVE 4WARD!!

Always remember, Your voice has a right to be heard!!!!  I love you all so much!

From now on, my blogs will be published on Fridays.  So I will talk to you again on Friday.  Also if you know of anyone that can get something from my words, please feel free to send them here.  MUAH!

MOVING 4WARD is now on Facebook!  We have dedicated a page for your support, encouragement, and information.  Due to the sensitivity of the matter it is a closed group so that the public cannot view comments.  If you would like to be added, let me know and I will add you to the group!  



  2. remember this if God gave you the assignment then it's what's needed because He is all knowing and He knows what your speaking out will do, bring healing to those who are affected by this demonic disease. yeah people may look at you strange because you don't look like a sexual abuse victim and probably no one else does because it's such a silent killer of family, men, women, & children. they walk around not looking abuse, but they are trapped in their abuse in their minds and we can't see that, but God can. be encouraged and continue to do His will and allow Him to use you to help stop this demonic disease. be blessed. mona lisa hayes

  3. you can add me to the facebook group page. mona lisa hayes
