Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading my last blog. I know it may have been a little disturbing for you, but sadly abuse happens. I have received many responses in all different manners about my last post. I take this matter very seriously, so I always want to be very mindful of what I say. Due to the responses from my last post, I decided to touch on them a little bit.

When I decided to come forward about my abuse, I was only thinking of myself and my sister. My immediate goal was to just get it out. It had become such a burden on me. It was a load that I could no longer carry. I didn't even know who I wanted to tell, I just wanted it out. Well one thing I joke about is that God knows I have a big mouth, so if He wanted to get this out He certainly chose the right person! Now that I am no longer bound by this situation, I freely talk about it to anyone that wants to listen. My poor friend Andrea is getting more than an ear full! Anyway, since I have been telling my story, hands have been raised everywhere. They are not raised to ask me questions, but to say "me too." The stories go from unbelievable to horrifying. People, sexual abuse is real, and it is happening much more than we can even think or imagine. Of course I would never give any personal information, but I just want to world to know that it can happen to anybody. Abuse does not have a look.

When God revealed to me that this would be my assignment, he gave me the word Voices. I had no idea what it meant, and I'm still not 100% sure how I will use this word, but the more stories I hear, the more I am starting to see. These are voices of the voiceless. They have a story that no one can hear, because they just can't tell it. Some of them have spoken up, some have not. Sexual abuse is not a popular subject, in reality it is taboo. Families hide from it, pretend it's not happening, or just sweep it under the rug in hopes that no one will trip over it.

To my sisters and brothers that have been abused. I will say it now and I will continue to say it, YOUR VOICE HAS A RIGHT TO BE HEARD!! Jesus went to the cross so that we would not have to suffer anymore. Now it's time for us to walk in our deliverance. I truly understand how hard it seems, but once you unload that baggage, TRUE healing can begin. It is so therapeutic for me to write about my story. I had no idea how much healing needs to take place, until now. God is still healing me on a daily basis, and He can do the same for you. May God wrap you in his arms and give you the comfort you need.

For those that are interested, CWWIV - Christian Women Walking in Victory, has invited me to be a guest speaker on their Friday night teleconference call this Friday night, February 17th. I will be giving my testimony for the first time live. The number is 805-360-1000 Access Code 381722# Call starts at 7p (CTS). If you are available, please get on the call. God wants to set people free!!

Talk to you next week!

I really like this version of this song. My prayers go out to the family of Whitney Houston. I pray that God gives them comfort and peace during their time of bereavement.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no I missed the conference call. I love the fact that you are sharing your story!
